I have been trying to upgrade on a sandbox environment CRM from version 8.2.10 to v 9 on prem .
First when I install the CRM V9 setup ,it ends with error .The log file mention the error as below.
"he AttributeLookupValue (Id=81cde1dc-2241-db11-898a-0007e9e17ebd) entity or component has attempted to transition from an invalid state: ComponentStateName: Solution; ComponentOperation: Delete; ComponentSolutionType: Active; SolutionOperationContext: MoveSystemComponentToFirstPartySolution; IsProtected: False; FinalComponentState: Publish."
Then Organization status is then set to failed in Deployment Manager. So, I have googled and knew that this is a famous issue and Microsoft has released patches.
I installed the patch v 0.3 and deleted the failed organization and tried to import it again but the import process is generating an error :
Error.ActionFailed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.InstallDatabaseUpdatesAction
I also tried the latest patch v 0.8 but it also failed.
I donot know why the RTM till now is not fixed.
How can I solve by problem ?