Hi guys i try to get due date in release production order come or transfer in consumption journal automatically but it not come i don't know the problem :
what i need is to transfer date found in release production order (due date) to posting date in request form of calc consumption(function-cal consumption-option-posting date) in default it take work date but i need due date in place of work date. so that i write this code to achieve this task
in open form of request form of report 5405
IF "Prod. Order No." = '' THEN
ProdOrderLine.SETRANGE("Prod. Order No.","Prod. Order No.");
IF ProdOrderLine.FIND('+') THEN
due_date:= ProdOrderLine."Due Date" ;
then i replace workdate with due_date global variable as date data type
InitializeRequest(due_date,CalcBasedOn::"Expected Output");
in createconsujinl function i write
ItemJnlLine.VALIDATE("Posting Date",due_date);
but when i run and open request form again after i make release production order and got to consumption journal it give me empty posting date text box
why and how i solve this problem.
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