Hello all,
We use Power Automate to generate a case from an incoming email to one of our shared mailboxes.
In one of our mailboxes I get the error with action "Connect the record to the incoming activity (don't edit or delete this step)" (error code 0x80131501) about 1-2 times a month. With over 1000 emails to the shared mailbox, the error rate is very low but I still want to get it out of the way.
Specifically, the error message says the following:
Organization Id: [Placeholder], Calling method: Microsoft.Dynamics.AutomaticRecordCreation.Plugins.Helpers.SetRegardingOnSourceEntityHelper.SetRegardingOnSourceEntity, Error details: 'No object matched the query: delete from [ActivityPartyBase] OUTPUT DELETED.[ActivityPartyId], 135, 0 into SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject (ObjectId, ObjectTypeCode, IsArchivalDelete) where ([ActivityPartyId] = @ActivityPartyId0)'
The email was sent to two of our shared mailboxes, each of which has a flow that generates a case.
I have two cases in the system for this email which were created at the same time. Each of the two flows has an execution at the same time. One case contains the email and is also linked to the email. Another case does not contain the email.
I don't quite understand the error code. Is this because the email can only be assigned to one case and the system then complains that the queue item is already assigned to a case?
I would be very grateful if someone could explain the error code to me.
Thank you!
Best regards