Checking out the preview (Preview: Add products to quotes, orders, or invoices by using the enhanced experience) and it appears that Products added to the quote are arranged by catalog number for each batch, or session of adding product ending with the [save to quote] button. Add additional products and the next batch is added below the first batch.
Our users load the product in the sequence that they would like to see it displayed in the Quote Product Grid and subsequently the proposal created by the Word Template.
I believe our users would enjoy aspects of the enhanced experience, but they will protest the sequence of the display. Our instance does not feature the ability to re-order the sequence at this time, I am not familiar if it will be easy or not. Note that our team uses smaller laptops and screen real-estate is already stretched beyond comfortable manipulation (Quote product lists typical do not fit on the screen today requiring manipulating dual scroll bars to check your work).
This is part suggestion, part question.
Will there be methods to load product in sequence of list? If not, will we be still be able to use today's interface to load products?