Upon having a posting issue with an import batch, a handful of transactions were posted to the customers account. One did not post to the customer's account. The user would like to void this transaction somehow, which will fix the incorrect HITB totals, I thought a reconcile would fix but the doc number is not found nor found in the PSTL RM trans unapply tool.
The trans shows in the following tables
select * from SOP30200 where SOPNUMBE ='13753092'
select * from SOP30300 where SOPNUMBE ='13753092'
Select * from SOP10102 where SOPNUMBE ='13753092'
Select * from RM00401 where docnumbr = '13753092'
Select * from RM10101 where docnumbr = '13753092'
Does not appear in
select * from SOP10100 where SOPNUMBE ='13753092'
Select * from RM20101 where docnumbr = '13753092'
Select * from RM30301 where docnumbr = '13753092'
GP 18.4
Key2Act (WennSoft) 18.04b