Hello all,
So after figuring out for the most part how to effectively use an AIF inbound port to update a document, I am having an issue where when I activate the port that I created to expose my new service, the XML schema is not generating the field names in alphabetical order. In fact, I don't see a rhyme or reason to how it does organize the field definitions, but our third party subscription service that is generating the inbound XML is generating it in alphabetical order, so I need the schema to match. (I've seen the errors that occur when they are not in proper order.)
Is there a way to force the schema to generate in alpha order, or do I have to manually edit the schema document and put it in the source folder where it belongs? This service only updates and the schema is very small, so I can do this, but having seen how AX blows away the source folder when you de-activate a port, we would have to be cognizant that any de-activation/re-activation would probably "break" the service in the process.
Any advice is gladly appreciated.
Brandt Fundak