Hi all,
I have been working with the ProdCalcTrans report in Visual Studio for AX2012 for few days probably without rebuilding or deploying. everything was working Fine. but suddendly when I tried to preview the report again or update the datasource query. this error shows up.
Do you know how to fix it? I dont want to lose all the work I have done :(
Hi Gunjan,
The error was the same for every report I wanted to edit. But the problem is fixed.
I found on the Event Viewer some issues related with the Logon Attemp failed from WFC. When I tried to Refresh the AX client Configuration the same error showed. So I thought it was related to the Business connector(BC) User so I went to SA->Setup->System->System Services accounts and wanted to rewrite the BC the info log throwed an error like : "The Alias/Network domain entered for the business connector proxy is not valid."
Since I remembered that when I installed the Contoso database (new AX db, Compiling, Synchronizing, importing) I never restarted the server. So I just made A simple Server restart. and everything works like before :)
the real caused of the issue I dont know. but the restart did the job.
Thanks a lot for your support guys.
You can close this thread now.
Hi Nestor,
Are you able to run all reports or are you getting error there as well? If there is an error, please share it here.
Hi Blue,
Thanks for replying. I cannot find this folder/file in any of my drives. I am using AX 2012 R3 CU13. I dont know if makes a difference. My knowledge of this is limited.
Actually the problem is with every report now.
Hi Gunjan,
Only me working. I was installing the contoso demo db in a second instance on the same server at the same time I had the Report open for editing in VS. Probably some services was restarted without me saving changes or deplying from VS while this installations was running.
I can save the report and close. but a cannot deploy , add to aot or anything, or look from the datasource query. like all connections with the Dynamics was broken somehow
Have you tried to change C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\DynamicsDevConfig.xml file ?
Please check if this applies to you:community.dynamics.com/.../exception-occurred-on-the-metadata-service-on-client-or-server---error
Is it not letting you save the design as well?
Hi Nestor,
Did you (or any other developer) make any code changes in AX?
Please try restarting Reporting services as well.
Is it possible to re link the design with the source. Like creating a new Visual studio Project>?
Hi Gunjam,
Still the same error :(
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