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Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

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We have a user who is printing a packing slip from within the sales transaction screen. He selects "print" and the printer selection window appears. Although he specifies the printer he needs to print to, GP is overriding that selection and printing to the system default anyway.

This problem has been replicated on multiple machines and multiple accounts with various privilege's ranging from basic to admin level.

The solution may seem simple; just change the system default each time he needs to print through GP, however users continue to bring this up as a road bump in workflow.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture
    David Musgrave MVP ... 13,959 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

    Hi Taylor

    If you are using Named Printers, you should let it automatically select the printer and its settings.

    It is also recommended to turn off the System Print dialog as that can override the Named Printer settngs.

    Glad you got it sorted.

    David Musgrave
    Original developer of Named Printers.

  • Taylor_Greenwood Profile Picture
    Taylor_Greenwood 382 on at
    RE: Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

    I was able to get it printing as I wanted. The named printers was overriding everything. By opening the printer preferences from within named printers and changing the settings there, everything worked as desired.

  • David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture
    David Musgrave MVP ... 13,959 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

    The copies feature was always unreliable.

    Some printer drivers honour the setting and some don't.

    I would try both drivers from Microsoft and from hardware manufacturer.

    Good luck


  • Taylor_Greenwood Profile Picture
    Taylor_Greenwood 382 on at
    RE: Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

    Re-enabled Named Printers and disabled Print Dialogue in Dex.ini

    Verified Named Printer for Invoice was "Invoice Printer"

    Verified preferences were set to 3 copies + staple.

    Printed 1 copy.

  • David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture
    David Musgrave MVP ... 13,959 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

    Named Printers works best when the system print dialog is disabled. This was how it was designed and stops the system print dialog overriding Named Printers' selections and settings.

    Check NoPrintDialog=TRUE is in the Dex.ini.  

    Go to Administrator >> Settings >> System >> Named Printers.

    If the Machine ID setting window does not open, click on the Machine ID hyperlink and select the Do Not Display System Print Dialog checkbox.



    Original designer/creator/developer of Named Printers 

  • Taylor_Greenwood Profile Picture
    Taylor_Greenwood 382 on at
    RE: Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

         We are attempting to set up a "Carbon Copy" Invoice (multiple copies) and named printers seems to be overriding the printing defaults/preferences.

        We duplicated the printer and named it "Invoice Printer" so it was separate from the original printer. The Invoice Printer is set to single sided, 3 copies, and staple + group, but when you press print the dialogue comes up 1 copy & collate w/o staple. It is a modified report, so I changed it back to the original and that didn't help. Print to screen doesn't change anything. It works for historical invoices, just not open. We have tried PS, PCL & generic drivers. You can open the preferences from the print dialogue and re-set them for it to work each time you print an invoice. We tried setting up a new profile for the printer to no avail. With named printers disabled, and the computers default set to the new "Invoice Printer," it works fine. However the issue is then that everything prints with 3 copies. Setting the computer default to the original printer then requires users to re-select the new "Invoice Printer" in print setup every time they launch Dynamics. Then all reports etc. want to use the Invoice printer w/ 3 copies just as if you had the new Invoice Printer set as the default. If you attempt to switch to the original printer when the dialogue comes up it carries over the 3 copies setting from the Invoice Printer for some reason.

        For our users, named printers is a must. Is there any way to change any of the settings so that its not overriding the printers defaults?

  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,054 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

    I totally second David on this one.. if a specific report needs to be printed all the time to a specific  printer, Named Printers would be the way to go, this way you avoid the possible issues with the change in default printer.

    Granted this W10 feature didn't exist likely in the past and that's why it started causing troubles to more than a few GP users I guess.. Thanks for pointing this out, it is good to remember on that one when running into printer issues.

  • David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture
    David Musgrave MVP ... 13,959 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

    Excellent find, well done.

    You could also use Named Printers to set the application default printer (different from the windows default printer) as well as printers (and properties) for different tasks within GP.


    David Musgrave
    Original developer of Named Printers

  • Verified answer
    CFVS Profile Picture
    CFVS 25 on at
    RE: Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

    Solved! This setting was causing the last printer used to be set as default. Made sure it was unchecked and the default printer worked.


  • CFVS Profile Picture
    CFVS 25 on at
    RE: Why is GP overriding the user's printer selection in favor of windows default printer?

    This has already been done and the problem persists.

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