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Advance Warehousing - Create Warehouse Shipment Automatically

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Hi All
We are implementing BC advance warehousing and looking at the workflow there are too many steps and we want to automate as much as possible. Warehouse employees need to start picking when they arrive at the location where web shop orders come through overnight. So we are thinking of releasing sales orders based on stock availability and then once the sales order is released it creates the WH shipment automatically. Pick worksheet is used too manuualy trigger picks based on carrier , customer ect based on priority. Once the pick is created it auto prints a hard copy to WH printer and then also available on the hand held scanner. Is this possible with std or minor customisation? Is there a better flow to create picks as BC does not have a module for looking at all the SO and release to pick.
  • Verified answer
    Ben Baxter Profile Picture
    Ben Baxter 5,073 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Advance Warehousing - Create Warehouse Shipment Automatically
    Having the Warehouse Shipment created on Release is pretty simple customization.
    We went through a full Pick automation for a client, and it was a fairly large Customization.  We have a Job Queue that runs the Pick Worksheet to generate all Picks.  Our client is using handheld scanners, and we are load balancing the assignment of Picks to the warehouse employees available that day.  We also had to factor in the weight of the shipment to designate Parcel vs. LTL shipments, which determines which employees can be assigned.  We also clear untouched Picks at the end of the day so any additional material receipts can be picked up on the next Pick creation the next day.  There were a lot of moving pieces.
    There is no standard functionality to do what you're looking for, so be sure to plan out everything up front and do lots of testing in a Sandbox environment.
    Best Regards,
    Ben Baxter
    Accent Software Inc
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 76,221 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Advance Warehousing - Create Warehouse Shipment Automatically
    Hi, I briefly checked the standard code and it doesn't look difficult. You can call the following function in the release event,
    Hope this can give you some hints.

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