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Cookie-Tracking with Dynamics Marketing - which cookies are exactly used? How? How long? For what purpose?

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As part of a customer project to implement Dynamics Marketing, the customer wants to know exactly:

- Which cookies exactly are set?
- Where exactly are cookies set everywhere? We use landing pages, forms, portal pages and event portal pages.
- How long are the cookies set?
- For what purpose are cookies set?
- What exactly is tracked using the cookies?
- Which are essential, which are not?
In the documentation, the information on this is very general - to general for EU requirements.

Are there any further documentations to share with the customer? Thanks in advance!

  • Suggested answer
    CHK1970 Profile Picture
    CHK1970 560 on at
    RE: Cookie-Tracking with Dynamics Marketing - which cookies are exactly used? How? How long? For what purpose?

    Thats correct, i needed all four cookies set to strictly necessary for my forms to load. I tried to disable the two non-session cookies but this wouldn't work.

  • Gemma2020 Profile Picture
    Gemma2020 22 on at
    RE: Cookie-Tracking with Dynamics Marketing - which cookies are exactly used? How? How long? For what purpose?

    Thanks for the detailed response Chris. Our issue is more around security than GDPR. 

    It sounds like it isn't possible to remove any of those cookies entirely without causing issues with the form loading? (specifically, we would look to remove the first party cookies). 

    Appreciate your help. 



  • Suggested answer
    CHK1970 Profile Picture
    CHK1970 560 on at
    RE: Cookie-Tracking with Dynamics Marketing - which cookies are exactly used? How? How long? For what purpose?

    Hi Gemma,

    Below are the cookies in question

    Two of these are related to the immediate session and the other two are placed to track future activity (behaviour tracking). These can initiate web page scoring with future visits for example and match the data to the Lead/Contact in your system. The two behavior cookies last 2 years. 

    Im just configuring a cookie consent with OneTrust and unfortunately, all four of these cookies will need to be Strictly Necessary, if like me you are embedding a 365M Form onto our external website.
    If not set as Strictly Necess, the form will not load. This however is in breach of GDPR as a web visitor has a right not to be tracked if selected with the cookie consent tool.

    To get around this, we will implement the randomized script provided my Microsoft that will basically mean the visitor will remain anonymous. Form submission data however will work as normal.
    I will call this script to load if "targeting cookies" are deselected by the visitor in the Cookie Consent Tool. This means, after a form submission we will not be able to match his future web activity unless they fill out another form. Below is an example im using in Tag Manager.


    From what i understand from GDPR, we should be compliant if this script is triggered. Im no legal expert here, i have dome most of this research and testing myself.
    Hope this helps you and anyone else who are also struggling with 365M and compliance.

  • Gemma2020 Profile Picture
    Gemma2020 22 on at
    RE: Cookie-Tracking with Dynamics Marketing - which cookies are exactly used? How? How long? For what purpose?

    We're also looking for this information

  • Diana Schindler Profile Picture
    Diana Schindler 60 on at
    RE: Cookie-Tracking with Dynamics Marketing - which cookies are exactly used? How? How long? For what purpose?

    Hi Nya,

    thanks again for your answer.

    My problem is, that our customer exactly wants to know details about cookie tracking.

    Our customer wants to adhere very closely to privacy requirements and must tell website visitors exactly which cookies are being set, why they are being set and for how long.

    Is there any other documentation that shows the current status of cookie tracking in great detail?

    Thanks in advance


  • Diana Schindler Profile Picture
    Diana Schindler 60 on at
    RE: Cookie-Tracking with Dynamics Marketing - which cookies are exactly used? How? How long? For what purpose?

    Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, the documentation do not answer above mentioned questions in detail. It only shows how dynamics marketing is using cookies in general and how to track only essential cookies. My question was: which(!) cookies dynamics marketing is tracking in detail.

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Cookie-Tracking with Dynamics Marketing - which cookies are exactly used? How? How long? For what purpose?


    Please refer to the following documentation:

    Cookies set and read (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs

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