I'm new to OData and Postman. Currently I'm trying to call ReleasedProductV2 through Postman, but since it is a large volume (I have around 10k of rows) which resulted TimeOut. Some people tell me that I'm gonna need to apply pagination, may I know how to use and applying this ?
How to use OData with pagination ? and test it in Postman ?
I'm trying to use and adding $skip and $top, and it works.
However if I take a look at Microsoft blog and reading this ->
The following are the high-level features that are enabled for the OData service, per the OData specification.
CRUD support is handled through HTTP verb support for POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE.
Available query options are:
$filter $count
$expand (only first-level expansion is supported)
There is one which is $count, may I know how to use this ? and is this command give us the total records ? Which mean if I didn't filter at all or using $top, it will give total ALL records ?
How to use OData with pagination ? and test it in Postman ?
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your references. So if I may sum up. For Server-driven, which mean we cannot directly use that ReleasedProductV2 once only, but it is either to modify it or create custom web service that use this OData entity and make it a loop until there is no NextPage. And for Client-driven, similar like the creation of custom web service for Server-driven, the "client" which is my external party need to create program to loop through this OData entity using $skip and $top in the URL dynamically.
And for testing Postman, just browsing though the Net, we then need to use Postman Flow to try this if there is no custom as mentioned above being created .
How to use OData with pagination ? and test it in Postman ?
I found this official document on OData pagination for you: Pagination - OData | Microsoft Learn. It describes that services often rely on pagination to load the data incrementally to improve the response times and the user experience. Paging can be server-driven or client-driven. It provides a detailed introduction to both server-driven and client-driven paging, both with code.
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