Hi Guys
I'm having an issue with Posting a Project invoice proposal. I get the following error :
Discrepancy between account 5637146150 and setup of the group for invoicing Balance.
I have checked the WIP accounts but everything seems to be fine, I can not seem to find why this will not post. I have checked the ledge posting setup and find nothing amiss at all. I have reviewed the revenue account setup for WIP but can not find anything that works with the setups at all.
Does anyone know how to correct this? I have no issues in my other companies when I post, however, this is a new company we created. i think there is a setting missing or an config we missed
Hi Mark
Yip, I spotted it finally after looking at it over and over again for more than a day, eventually, I spotted the on-account invoicing was set to balance sheet while everything else is set to P&L. one could look at it for days and keep missing it ... The error code is what caused the biggest headache!!! it just did not help much at all. But thanks for reaching out... I found the error and posted the fix, but you are spot on, the only way to fix it after the fact is to create a new costing type, transfer all projects over to the new posting profile and delete the incorrect one .. You cant change the on-account invoicing, which is sad, cause that would have made my life so much easier ...
Thanks again!!!
Hi Ramon,
Have you checked the Project cost and revenue profiles where you set the main account type for each project transaction type (below)? If you have set up the ledger posting to go to a P&L account but the Profile setting says "Balance" you will get a posting error and Vice Versa.
hi there
I think I may have found the solution to this problem. I have checked the system end to end, If you happen to get this error check the following:
Step 1 : Project management and Accounting > Setup> Posting> Project groups
Check the project group types listed. Look at the Ledger tab and ensure that for all project types the Post-Costs all reflect the correct GL type. This error usually occurs when the On-Account Invoicing GL type is set incorrectly.
You need to make sure that all Ledger types are set to Profit and Loss. If not you will need to create a new Project Group and amend it as you will not be able to change it once it's been created and Saved.
Step 2: Find the projects that use the affected project group and switch them to the new Project Group by using the simple process:
Step 3 : go to Project management and Accounting > All Projects> ##select the project having the issue##> open the project, > select the maintain Project Group tab and change from the current project costing to the new one
Once completed and all projects have been moved to the new Project group you can delete the faulty one without having to change any unposted project invoice proposal projects
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