I am trying to add a field to the Sales Price and Line Discounts page which is on the Customer Page. I am wanting to add the Item Description to the list page. I have a local copy of NAV installed on my machine, NAV 2018, and I can get the field to show up there when I install the extension. But when I try to install it to BC, the field will never show up. Has anyone had this issue? I feel like I'm not doing anything different than in the past to adding a field to a list page. I've tried to do it as a flow field and as a physical field and neither show up. I understand that the Sales Price and Line Discounts uses a temp table so maybe that is the issue. This is the first time I've had to deal with temp tables in an Extension. Here is my code:
pageextension 50121 SalesPriceandLineDiscountsCBIZ extends "Sales Price and Line Discounts" { layout { addafter("Unit of Measure Code") { field("Item Description"; "Item Description") { ApplicationArea = Suite; Caption = 'Item Description'; } } } actions { // Add changes to page actions here } var myInt: Integer; trigger OnAfterGetRecord(); var Item: Record Item; begin if Rec.Type = Rec.Type::Item then begin Item.SetRange("No.", Code); if Item.FindFirst then begin Rec."Item Description" := Item.Description; Rec.Modify; end; end; end; }
tableextension 50121 SalesPriceLineDiscBuffCBIZ extends "Sales Price and Line Disc Buff" { fields { field(50100;"Item Description";Text[50]) { } } var myInt : Integer; }
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