When someone opens or clicks an email in my Customer Journeys, I have it create a Marketing task for that Contact Owner. Right now, they're all "Overdue".
1. Is there a way to mark all of the current Marketing Tasks as complete?
2. Is there a way, going forward, when creating the Marketing Task in the Customer Journey to mark it as complete as soon as its created?
This is really just being used as an FYI this person clicked the email, they aren't really tasks we want open for our sales team to worry about.
Any ideas?
Thank you for your response.
This furthers my next question of is there a way to log email activity at the Contact level then? These tasks were my idea to do this but the daunting "overdue" is overwhelming for my sales team. I just simply want to log that their Contacts have opened or clicked an email. Thoughts?
Thank you!
Thanks for submitting your questions. Please see the response below.
1. Yes. Select all the tasks that you want to mark as complete and click the "Mark Complete" button to make all the tasks as completed.
2. Alas, there is no way to automatically mark a task as complete as soon as it's created. Since the Tasks list allows you to select all the tasks at once, the easiest option is to select all the tasks and mark them as complete.
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