we are running a regeneration master plan, however past couple of weeks the MRP has not finished execution. it stops in error state with the folloing error. we spoke to Microsoft they recommended that we install kb4019938 . but still no result.
we are on ax 2012 r3 CU8. we have about 12 coverage groups, with a coverage time fence of 500 days and we run MRP on dedicated batch servers with total 11 threads. all threads have completed execution.
any help would be greatly appreciated!
Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ErrorException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ErrorException' was thrown.
at Dynamics.Ax.Application.ReqCalcScheduleItemTable.Run() in ReqCalcScheduleItemTable.run.xpp:line 23
at Dynamics.Ax.Application.BatchRun.runJobStaticCode(Int64 batchId) in BatchRun.runJobStaticCode.xpp:line 54
at Dynamics.Ax.Application.BatchRun.runJobStatic(Int64 batchId) in BatchRun.runJobStatic.xpp:line 13
at BatchRun::runJobStatic(Object[] )
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ReflectionCallHelper.MakeStaticCall(Type type, String MethodName, Object[] parameters)
at BatchIL.taskThreadEntry(Object threadArg)
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