Hi all,
I have another question - about foreign currency revaluation in AR/AP Modules.
In AR module it is working correctly in both cases, whether I chose the dimension option NONE or POSTING:
But when I am trying to run a revaluation in AP with the Option NONE, I get first a warning
which is correct. I click then OK, and get the following error:
Account number for transaction type Exchange rate gain does not exist.
Actually we have the account number for exchange rate gains/losses in the setup:GL-->Setup-->Ledger.
Additionally i set the gain/loss accounts in the GL-->Setup-->Currency revaluation accounts-->for the currency USD.
But somehow the system doesn't find the Exchange rate gain account, when I try dimension option "none". This is strange, because it is working with the same setup in AR module.
(Option "Posting" in AP module works also, but i don't know whether it is the best way for currency revaluation).
What setup should I check else?
Many thanks in advance!