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Security role for adding images to Real-Time Emails

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Hello everyone,
Me, as system administrator, I have the possibility to add and change images in Real-Time Emails:
However, my users don't have this feature:  (for them, the 'Replace image' button doesn't work).
also, adding new images is impossible for my users ('Add Image' button doesn't work):
I am looking and trying to adjust their security role for hours, but I cannot find the problem.
Anyone who knows which entities should be in read/write/edit/append-mode, to use this functionality?
Thank you!
  • mswallow Profile Picture
    mswallow 7 on at
    Security role for adding images to Real-Time Emails
    I have the same problem.
    But adding the CMS addon privileges in the security role does not resolve the problem at our side.
    Does somebody have other suggestions? :)
    Best regards,
  • Verified answer
    tree Profile Picture
    tree 9 on at
    Security role for adding images to Real-Time Emails
    It is likely the CMS Addon (msdynmkt_cmsaddon) table that provides access.
  • Suggested answer
    RudyZhang Profile Picture
    RudyZhang Microsoft Employee on at
    Security role for adding images to Real-Time Emails
    Based on the information you provided, our team reproduced your error and we also found that the Library tab in the Marketing App is not displaying the data and we believe that this is the root cause of your error. After a long time of testing, we were unable to pinpoint exactly which entity's permissions control this functionality, and were only able to determine that these permissions in the image below are necessary (here we tested assigning a high level of permissions, which you will need to assign specific to your business).

    In addition, if you add the above permissions and still do not solve the problem, you can try to copy some of the security roles to which you can add images (e.g., Marketing Manager business, etc.), and then remove other redundant permissions to meet the needs of your business. For more information on customizing security roles, please refer to the official documentation in the link below.
    Create or edit a security role to manage access - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn
    Copy a security role - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn
    I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Rudy Zhang
  • Yulya Toporochan Profile Picture
    Yulya Toporochan 84 on at
    Security role for adding images to Real-Time Emails
    I have the same problem. And I also can't figure it out.

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