When I post an invoice, and CIL is activated, I get the following error:
Stack trace: Invalid attempt to call Box.yesNo running in CIL on the client.
If I deactivate CIL, I see the following YesNo box:
I then click on yes and the invoice is posted like I expected. (This only dialog only appears when there are VendTrans and VendTransOpen records that are settled during posting of the final invoice, in other words if payments were made related to this order.)
This dialog originates from the VendOpenTransForm class in the showMessage() dialog. This class has the setting Called from in its RunOn property. I change the RunOn property to Client, in the hope that it will force the CIL to run the code on the client and show the dialog. Unfortunately it still shows the stack trace instead of the dialog.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? What can I do to make sure the Yes No dialog is displayed, even when the code is running in CIL?
Stack trace: Invalid attempt to call Box.yesNo running in CIL on the client.
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