I am trying to implement print management for my custom report. I have setup my report in the AR->Setup->Forms->Form Setup->Print management.
Now on the posting form if user select a different destination the output will be generated on that destination otherwise on the default destination provided in the AR form setup.
I need to know how can I implement that functionality.
Thanks in advance
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HI Baber bai,
i have created a new report for Sales Invoice for Japan. It's absolutely new format.
now in print management setup >> customer invoice >> 2 reports are there
1. Sales invoice.report < stnd.>
2. Sales invoice_JP. report < customized new report >
Note -- I have created three new classes for new sales invoice format for Japan ( Controller, Contract and DP )
When user clicked on Original/Preeview >> It should run the report based on Print management setting.
i saw the above replies and go through the CustAccountStatmentExtController class
so, what i understand
i need to extend my controller class with GiroPrintMgmtFormLetterController and runPrintMgmt method need to add.
Kindly guide me
1. any other methods need to add or only runPrintMgmt method is sufficient.
2. Under runPrintMgmt method, which code need to copy for print management?
3. if i mentioned print management check box in dialog then it's where exactly called in controller class?
kindly help me out Baber bhai. it's very urgent
No problem. You welcome.
Thank you so much Baber bhai
Hi Saad,
Look at the runPrintMgmt method of CustAccountStatmentExtController class. It has a call to formletterReport.loadPrintsettings method and inside the same method it is setting the value in parm method for printmanagement based on 'Use print management destination checkbox'. For all print management reports, similar approach should be followed.
Have a look at this example and let me know if you have further queries.
Hi Baber,
I am unable to fetch the default settings of my report. I setup the default settings in the AR/Setup/Form Setup/Print management.
In case user has checked "use print destination settings" I need to output the report on the settings provided on the form mentioned above.
Kindly let me know how to fetch default SRSPrintDestinationSettings for a report.
Hi Saad,
There are lot of examples in AX like this. For example, you can take a look at external customer account statement report. There is a print management checkbox on report parameter form, if it is checked, then report prints according to the settings defined under print management, otherwise it runs based on the default destination.
Please let me know if you have further queries.
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