Looking to connect with someone or a company on approach to ledger financial analysis vs. subledger. We went live with D365 in October 2023, one of the changes we made was reducing the number of accounts we have in our chart of accounts and pushing analysis to subledger where we have more detail like project, procurement category/item, vendor etc. Prior to D365, we would bring subledger attributes, like project and PO number or other detail through to the GL and analyze everything from the GL. Our company is focused on the P&L and likes to start with the GL account. It continues to be a challenge and here is an example why:
1. We start with the GL but the amounts in that account could be a summation of GL entries, and subledger entries from purchasing and AP. People would have to combine three reports to get all the detail.
Looking to see what others do and if they have run into this.
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