I want to send a Marketing E-Mail via CRM that contains a Custom Code in which the first and second name of the contact is inserted:
{{#if (eq contact.gendercode 1)}} Dear Mr.
{{else if (eq contact.gendercode 2)}} Dear Ms. {{/if}}
{{contact.firstname}} {{contact.lastname}},
The problem is that many of the contacts' names are not written in proper case (which means that the first letter of the name is capitalized and the other letters are not). Most of them are written with only lowercase letters and some even with a wrong mix of higher- and lowercase.
So my question is if there is any way to transform the cases of all names I use in this Marketing E-Mail to proper case? I don't have any expirience with using javascript in CRM, but could this lead to a solution? Or is there maybe a simpler way to do this?
(for example: peter mEYER --> Peter Meyer)
Thank you!