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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...

Management Reporter - Foreign Translation

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Posted on by 466

My client has both a US company and foreign company and we are in the process of setting up financials in Management Reporter. Both are denominated in their own currency.  As part of that process we have configured an exchange table to take the foreign currency and translate it to US dollars.  Both companies have access to each currency, and accounts in the foreign entity have been setup to translate using the "current" rate. 

So far it seems to be working, except I have one or two accounts that will not translate.  If I look at the foreign currency setup option under Cards/Account I see no difference between the working accounts and the problem account.  Any thoughts as to why one account may not be translating.

Will welcome any thoughts or suggestions.

Thank you.


  • JGarcia123 Profile Picture
    JGarcia123 466 on at
    RE: Management Reporter - Foreign Translation

    Thanks Greg,

    For the account in question, I see the Currency Method set to 2.  Within card/account/currency screen the currency type is set to "Current".  I think all of that is in line with what it should be or am I missing something?


  • Greg Byer Profile Picture
    Greg Byer 2,586 on at
    RE: Management Reporter - Foreign Translation

    Is this a Data Mart or Legacy install of MR?  If this is Data Mart and the account is not translating at all, there some script you can run against the Data Mart database to see what Translation Type the account is using.  

    select * from datamart.Organization
    --find Id for your organization.  Use it for the OrganizationId in the next query.

    select * from datamart.DimensionDefinition where OrganizationId = 2
    ---find Id for the main segment.  Use it for the DefinitionId in the next query.  The Name value will be the main segment for the account.  

    select * from datamart.DimensionValue where name = '1100' and DefinitionId = 2
    --find Id for account.  Use it for the Id in the next query.

    select * from datamart.Account where Id = '537'

    The results here will show the CurrencyMethod.  If it is set to 0 (unknown), MR won't translate the amounts for that account.  This can happen if the account does not have a Currency Translation Type in the MC00200 table.  You could run this statement to check that:


    If you're using the Legacy provider, check the GL20001 table.  You can search by ACTINDX.  If there is a record for the account, go to Cards | Financial | Account.  Click Currency and then change the translation method from Current to Historical.  You'll likely get a message about rates being lost.  You won't lose your actual exchange rates, so you can click Yes to the message.  Save the account and then change it back to Current.  

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