Unexpected Error whilte trying to ingest data in trial environment in US region.
ApiResponseError: Unexpected Error
at d.handleLoadEvent (us.prod.powerquery.microsoft.com/.../o.a.91edce4d754dea383399.bundle.js:2:27477)
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (us.prod.powerquery.microsoft.com/.../o.a.91edce4d754dea383399.bundle.js:2:28523)
Data source : https://aka.ms/CI-ILT/Contacts
Hi Mukesh Pohuja,
The older trial still has the ingestion issue. However, the new Trial version works like it should. I consider this case closed for now, since I could work with the new trial environment.
Thanks Mukesh,
Ticket has been created at MSFT.
I already went that route as well (Dataflow created in Dataverse), but I got stuck in this view below even before being able to select the Dataflow I created.
Is it the same error when you create a new dataflow (under Dataverse) from https://make.powerapps.com; do you already have a support ticket? it shouldn't make a difference if its trial or paid environment.
I managed to load this data using PowerQuery with file/csv. Here is my code..
It's just a simple Excel file containing not more than 100 records stored in OneDrive.
The issue already starts from not being able to "browse OneDrive"
I have seen this before on trial instance with onedrive. Is this a custom file? if so is there anything unique (very large, possibility of control characters, unique encoding etc)?
I've experienced recently that CI has connection issue with OneDrive.
- new data source: [Unexpected error (Session ID: 9b6a5...3a0ca, Region: europe)]
- existing data source: which was setup correctly with PQ connected to OneDrive. After clicking on the edit button, I was exposed to data type selection instead of bringing me directly to the PQ editor. And I could not proceed to the PQ Editor because it got stuck with the same "unexpected error" message
Anyone else experience this?
This is a trial instance, right? I've seen that happening a few times recently. If you have a OneDrive, you can put it there and link directly. I think referencing the link directly may help as well, filestransfer.blob.core.windows.net/.../Contact.txt
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