I've migrated our Dynamics HR standalone to Dynamics Finance and Operations and have set-up dual-write in the sandbox. Most of the tables I need to sync are working ok, but I'm getting an error when running the initial sync of the Business process task (cdm_businessprocesstasks) and Business process template task (cdm_businessprocesstemplatetasks) tables, they both fail with this error:
Initial writes failed while parsing the data for leg:From Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Business process task to Dynamics 365 for Sales cdm_businessprocesstasks. Message: Type=Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException, Msg=Line 2 cannot be parsed using the current Delimiters. –
The details of the table and line numbers are different, but they are both getting an error on the delimiter.
Has anyone seen this before, or have any ideas on how to fix it please?
The tables are both syncing to the dataverse OK in the old standalone environment.
many thanks,