Dear all,
I need your help on sending customer payment reminder in D365 F&O.
Currently within the credit and collection module, system can send dunning letter if customer did pay on time, however we want to be proactive which means maybe 10 days before the invoice due date, we would like to send customer a payment reminder to say these are the invoices will be due in 10 days.
I know from the collection process automation, it's possible to send an email before an invoice is due, however, it sends emails for every single invoice, if a customer has 100 invoices due on the same date, system will send 100 emails which is annoying to customers.
so Is there a way from standard functionality to send customer payment reminder for a list of invoices which will be due in several days?
if not, what's the best approach to have the customisation? The options I could think of are
1. Amend existing dunning letter process to be able to include invoices which due date is in the future.
2.Amend existing collection automation process to consolidate all the invoices for one customer and send payment reminder in one go.
3.Develop a new reports similar to customer statement but only include invoices which is due in a few days and send it to customers.
4. Power automate, I'm not familiar with this, but thought it might be an option.
I appreciate any comments on this requirement, many thanks!
Hi Andre,
Thank you very much again for your kind reply and with your suggestion, we know this definitely needs customisation.
We now have an idea and it's under discussion with our vendor for development, the idea is to rename the dunning letter code, so overdue notice will be named as payment reminder and 2nd overdue notice will be overdue notice etc. then when we'll run the first letter we'll put a date 10 days after today so that system could include those invoice that will be due in 10 days.
The key for this solution is setup the dunning letter parameter to per transactions rather than per customers and also depends on how much effort to rename the dunning letter code.
In case any people have similar requirement, just leave an idea here. cheers!
Best Regards
Hi Helen,
In 25 years, I have not seen this requirement myself. I can understand the process and the need for the payment reminder. Definitely, you would need a customization like you mentioned in the first post.
Option 1 and 2 might be harder to achieve as the standard is considering due invoices. I don't know if there is an easy way to extend the functionality. That depends on the technical implementation.
Option 3 and 4 are both viable. Using Power Automate, you can only send emails or electronic messages with the payment reminder information. With a custom report, you would be able to print or email, possibly depending on setup per customer.
Hi Andre,
Thank you very much for your kind reply.
We do send customer statement, however, as we give customer a very long period (up to 180 days) to pay the invoice and we also have instalment payment terms, so addition to customer statements, we currently manually send customer a payment reminder 10 days before the invoice due date to remind them to pay, this is seen as a good practice for our cash collection and 80% of the customer will pay the money after they receive the payment reminder.
I'm not sure how other business manage their collections, but feel it's a shame that the dunning letter functionality doesn't support to send a customer reminder before the due date.
I know you're very experienced solution architect, I would really appreciate your further suggestion, many thanks!
Best Regards
Hi Helen,
It would be possible to send external account statements. This is a report with a list of all open invoices per customer. Have you considered this option?
André Arnaud de Cal...
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