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Dynamics Marketing Emails & Segments Struck in "Going Live" State

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Marketing emails and segments are struck in "Going Live" state for over a week. All the marketing features are essentially non-functional.

Raised support ticket, and sent about 30 emails explaining the criticality, that the marketing application is down. Entire marketing team is kind of idling for over a week. Microsoft's support is responding with "we are still waiting for developers to respond" - there is no meaningful response yet from Dynamics support team.

Any suggestions on how to resolve the issue? Is there any option of looking into background services of Dynamics365 to resolve this issue?

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Dynamics Marketing Emails & Segments Struck in "Going Live" State


    It's great to hear that the issue has been solved.

    Thanks for your sharing!

  • Suggested answer
    BPX Profile Picture
    BPX 25 on at
    RE: Dynamics Marketing Emails & Segments Struck in "Going Live" State

    Finally, we got the tech on the call and was able to resolve the issue.

    It was the missing service principal and can be created by a AAD admin using the following commands (Works only on PowerShell 5.1 on windows)

    Install-Module azureAD
    $tenantId = "YOUR AAD TENANT ID"
    Connect-AzureAD -TenantId $tenantId
    New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId $MarketingAppId
    Connect-AzureAD -TenantId $tenantId
    $MktAppId = '0642a735-6a05-4fc3-99c3-f71f294dfe79'
    Write-Host "Provisioning $MktAppId service principle on tenant $tenantId."
    New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId $MktAppId

    Thank you MS BizApps Team

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