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Deleting Error: account with Id Does not exist

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi experts,

i am new working on Dual Write for Dynmacis F&O and CRM.

I made some tests for the Dual Write and now i want to delete all records in crm and i am almost finished.

But if want to delete the rest of the accounts i get the error message:


How can I delete those accounts with that error?

Thanks for your help!

  • John J. Profile Picture
    John J. 20 on at
    RE: Deleting Error: account with Id Does not exist

    Hi Philipp,

    no answer so far from Microsoft :-( Thanks a lot for this link. Hope, it helps us too.

    Best regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Deleting Error: account with Id Does not exist

    Hi John,

    I have found a solution for our problem. Its described in this post:

    You have to delete all records in the Dual Write Runtime Configurations table. Then i was able to delete the other records.

    Bist greetings,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Deleting Error: account with Id Does not exist

    Hi John,

    thanks, please keep me informed.



  • John J. Profile Picture
    John J. 20 on at
    RE: Deleting Error: account with Id Does not exist

    Hi Philipp,

    we're faced with the same decision whether to start over. We have not been able to find a solution so far and we are running out of time in the project as well. I wish I could help you, but we also depend on an answer from Microsoft. I hope it will come soon.

    Best regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Deleting Error: account with Id Does not exist

    Hi John,

    do you have already a solution for this problem?

    I am still in trouble with this problem, the only soultion which i know is to delete / reset the enviroment, but i don't want to do that because we have made some customizations.

    Best greetings,


  • John J. Profile Picture
    John J. 20 on at
    RE: Deleting Error: account with Id Does not exist

    Hi Tina,

    I get exactly the same error message, both on the UI and in the trace log. A reason or better a solution to the problem would be most welcome. Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Deleting Error: account with Id Does not exist

    Hello Tina,

    If I want to delete the accounts via bulk deletion than i get the Error "ISV code aborted the operation" with the same error code "0x80040265".

    I have found an error log in the plug-in trace log:

    Message Block:

    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.791 AM] - plugin [PreCommitPlugin] invoked with the message of [InternalPipeline] for target [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationRequestCollection].
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.806 AM] - Tag:
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.806 AM] - TransactionStatus: InProgress
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.806 AM] - TransactionId: 1240728373
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.822 AM] - Delete of [contact:ce02e53a-44d2-ea11-a812-000d3a38a16c] with depth of 1
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.822 AM] - Retrieving runtime configuration records for [1] unique entities
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.885 AM] - 2 runtime configuration records are retrieved
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.885 AM] - {[contact:ce02e53a-44d2-ea11-a812-000d3a38a16c:0],[(0, 1, Delete)],[customertypecode,mobilephone,merged,gendercode,territorycode,haschildrencode,preferredappointmenttimecode,msdyn_contactfor,msdyn_orgchangestatus,isbackofficecustomer,msdyn_language,lastname,donotpostalmail,marketingonly,donotphone,educationcode,msdyn_vendorcreatedbyworkflow,msdyn_contactforvendor,customersizecode,firstname,msdyn_isvendor,yomifullname,donotemail,fullname,msdyn_gdproptout,msdyn_partynumber,donotsendmm,donotfax,msdyn_sellable,leadsourcecode,msdyn_contactpersonid,creditonhold,telephone1,msdyn_company,preferredcontactmethodcode,donotbulkemail,familystatuscode,followemail,shippingmethodcode,modifiedbyyominame,donotbulkpostalmail,createdbyyominame,owningteam,parentcustomerid,contactid,participatesinworkflow]}
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.431 AM] - Retrieving current OrganizationDetail for CRM environment
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.464 AM] - OrganizationId: 2a431e5d-c301-453f-a3d3-c5f7e6b07d30, FriendlyName: Test-CE. EnironmentId: 51060505-5e56-45d6-97fc-da4fdd02d65b, Geo: EMEA, UniqueName: orgf4f63c9a
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.464 AM] - AxApiVersion: 12
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.494 AM] - Building transaction payload
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.494 AM] - Adding new secure config to Cache
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.509 AM] - source filter: ((msdyn_contactfor eq 'Customer') and (msdyn_sellable eq 'False')) and (msdyn_contactpersonid ne '')
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.509 AM] - return value from filter: True
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.509 AM] - Build Data Payload for Entity - contact
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.525 AM] - Destination Legal Entity : [:msdyn_company] -> contact.DMC:9c6df90f-76eb-4355-a632-4592f2517d8b -> DMC:9c6df90f-76eb-4355-a632-4592f2517d8b
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.541 AM] - LookupField = {parentcustomerid.Account(accountnumber).Contact(msdyn_contactpersonid)}, Reference = {/account(15239284-41d2-ea11-a812-000d3a38a16c)}, Requested Attributes = {accountnumber}

    Exception Details:

    Unhandled exception:
    Exception type: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]
    Message: account With Id = 15239284-41d2-ea11-a812-000d3a38a16c Does Not ExistDetail:
    <OrganizationServiceFault xmlns:i="">" xmlns="">">
    <ErrorDetails xmlns:d2p1="">">
    <d2p1:value xmlns:d4p1="">" i:type="d4p1:int">0</d2p1:value>
    <d2p1:value xmlns:d4p1="">" i:type="d4p1:int">-2146233088</d2p1:value>
    <HelpLink i:nil="true" />
    <Message>account With Id = 15239284-41d2-ea11-a812-000d3a38a16c Does Not Exist</Message>
    <InnerFault i:nil="true" />
    at Microsoft.Dynamics.Integrator.DualWriteCore.Shared.PluginBase.Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    at Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.SandboxAppDomainHelper.&lt;&gt;c__DisplayClass17_0.&lt;Execute&gt;b__0()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    at Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.SandboxAppDomainHelper.Execute(IOrganizationServiceFactory organizationServiceFactory, Dictionary`2 sandboxServices, String pluginTypeName, String pluginConfiguration, String pluginSecureConfig, IPluginExecutionContext requestContext, Boolean enablePluginStackTrace, Boolean chaosFailAppDomain, String crashOnPluginExceptionMessage)
    at Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.SandboxWorker.&lt;&gt;c__DisplayClass3_0.&lt;Execute&gt;b__0()</OriginalException>
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.791 AM] - plugin [PreCommitPlugin] invoked with the message of [InternalPipeline] for target [Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationRequestCollection].
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.806 AM] - Tag:
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.806 AM] - TransactionStatus: InProgress
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.806 AM] - TransactionId: 1240728373
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.822 AM] - Delete of [contact:ce02e53a-44d2-ea11-a812-000d3a38a16c] with depth of 1
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.822 AM] - Retrieving runtime configuration records for [1] unique entities
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.885 AM] - 2 runtime configuration records are retrieved
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:19.885 AM] - {[contact:ce02e53a-44d2-ea11-a812-000d3a38a16c:0],[(0, 1, Delete)],[customertypecode,mobilephone,merged,gendercode,territorycode,haschildrencode,preferredappointmenttimecode,msdyn_contactfor,msdyn_orgchangestatus,isbackofficecustomer,msdyn_language,lastname,donotpostalmail,marketingonly,donotphone,educationcode,msdyn_vendorcreatedbyworkflow,msdyn_contactforvendor,customersizecode,firstname,msdyn_isvendor,yomifullname,donotemail,fullname,msdyn_gdproptout,msdyn_partynumber,donotsendmm,donotfax,msdyn_sellable,leadsourcecode,msdyn_contactpersonid,creditonhold,telephone1,msdyn_company,preferredcontactmethodcode,donotbulkemail,familystatuscode,followemail,shippingmethodcode,modifiedbyyominame,donotbulkpostalmail,createdbyyominame,owningteam,parentcustomerid,contactid,participatesinworkflow]}
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.431 AM] - Retrieving current OrganizationDetail for CRM environment
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.464 AM] - OrganizationId: 2a431e5d-c301-453f-a3d3-c5f7e6b07d30, FriendlyName: Test-CE. EnironmentId: 51060505-5e56-45d6-97fc-da4fdd02d65b, Geo: EMEA, UniqueName: orgf4f63c9a
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.464 AM] - AxApiVersion: 12
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.494 AM] - Building transaction payload
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.494 AM] - Adding new secure config to Cache
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.509 AM] - source filter: ((msdyn_contactfor eq 'Customer') and (msdyn_sellable eq 'False')) and (msdyn_contactpersonid ne '')
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.509 AM] - return value from filter: True
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.509 AM] - Build Data Payload for Entity - contact
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.525 AM] - Destination Legal Entity : [:msdyn_company] -&gt; contact.DMC:9c6df90f-76eb-4355-a632-4592f2517d8b -&gt; DMC:9c6df90f-76eb-4355-a632-4592f2517d8b
    [INF] - [08/10/2020 08:49:20.541 AM] - LookupField = {parentcustomerid.Account(accountnumber).Contact(msdyn_contactpersonid)}, Reference = {/account(15239284-41d2-ea11-a812-000d3a38a16c)}, Requested Attributes = {accountnumber}

    The CRM is a sandbox environments, so i can't do a error log of this enviroment, isn't it?

    Otherwise is there a doc to turn the error log on and get them reports which you need?

    Thank you very much.

    Best greetings,


  • TinaMathew Profile Picture
    TinaMathew on at
    RE: Deleting Error: account with Id Does not exist


    CRM is looking for a record that does not exist. You can see that specifically, CRM is looking for an Account record with the ID of an empty-GUID

    Could you please share the error logs so that we can get more information on the error.



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