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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...

String size change to the EDT

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We have changed the string size of the "InvoiceId" EDT from 20 characters to 150 characters which effects more than 1000 tables. Will this change creates any inconsistency in the database?



  • Pradeep M V Profile Picture
    Pradeep M V 80 on at
    RE: String size change to the EDT

    @Anudeep, In D365 to achieve this we need to increase length on "Num" EDT. We have similar request to increase to 60 character now and wanted to know whether your client had any data issues after this change?

  • Verified answer
    Rudi Hansen Profile Picture
    Rudi Hansen 4,020 on at
    RE: String size change to the EDT

    Actually in AX2012, this should not be a problem in any way, BUT that being said, Nikolaos has a good point when he says that you should not save more that one type of information in an identifier field.

    So you can expand the size of the field to 150 chars no problem, but you should not let the client save more than the actual invoice number in that field.

  • Verified answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: String size change to the EDT

    And apologies about one mistake, it seems you are not talking about number sequences, only length of invoice id. I mixed your question with another.

    But this doesn't change my main comment about mis-using the field to save many different pieces of information.

  • Verified answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: String size change to the EDT

    If they input invoice id manually, what would they do with D365 number sequence? Number sequences are used to create invoice ids automatically.

    Number sequence could not produce such invoice ids that you shared. Are you sure they are invoice ids? To me it looks that there is invoice id such as 11001352, then amount, and some descriptions. Are they all in the same field? If yes, I seriously suggest your customer to chanhe their way of working.

    You should store invoice id (such as 11001352) in the id field. Amount is in it's own field and description in another.

    I think either you understood the data incorrectly, or your customer is inputting data in very strange way.

  • Anudeep2301 Profile Picture
    Anudeep2301 10 on at
    RE: String size change to the EDT

    Hi Nikolaos,

    The purchase order invoice id in client's database is configured as manual not auto generated. So they are inputting the invoice id manually.

    Below are the some examples which they are trying to enter.

    000036155 (USD 33,000.00); PRV-004872

    000036241 (AED 32,720.00); PRV-004884, 005069

    000036242 (AED 145,527.00); PRV-004905

    000036243 (AED 4,200.00); PRV-004886

    000036244 (AED 1,056.00); PRV-004885



    11000700 (SAR 51,975.00); PRV-005224

    11001352 (USD 6,422.00) REVERSE AGAINST PO-002960; PRV-005246

    11001352 (USD 6,422.00); PRV-005262



  • Verified answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: String size change to the EDT

    Is there some business reason behind it? I haven't heard such requirement before.

    You can increase the length of many data types in D365 but as you noticed, the number sequence is the tricky part. And also the max size ofthe actual numeric part of the sequence is limited.

    Can you give some example of your customer's invoice number, and reasoning of the chosen format? Thanks!

    Anyway you can create 20 char invoice ids in D365 and add 10 (fixed, or based on some rules) more characters when you integrate the invoice to another system. But I don't see this as viable since the invoice id should be same everywhere.

    I suggest your customer to consider adjusting themselves to 20 char invoice ids. 

  • Anudeep2301 Profile Picture
    Anudeep2301 10 on at
    RE: String size change to the EDT

    Hi Nikolaos,

    My client wants to enter the Invoice Id which is more than 20 characters.



  • nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,156 on at
    RE: String size change to the EDT

    It might, but why on earth would you change the size to 150 characters? Are you using it to store something else than unique identifiers of invoices?

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