Hi Team,
i have a requirement wherein I have to add a new action menu item button on jmgprofuctionfloorexecution form so that for the selected production order once the button is clicked it will releave the order to warehouse.
i have never worked on this form, could anyone help me with the process, how I can proceed step by step. I checked MS doc as well but got confused.
here below instruction option I want to give that button which release the order to warrhoise.
Can you help me with this please
Well, I have created the menu action button the form . Now ehat I need is when I click on that form the selected production order (jmgjobtable) record will get released to warehouse. On click of that btn I am calling release to warehouse code. But I am unable to fetch current record of jmgjobtable . I debugged and found that its getting hcmworker record in formdatasource. How can I get the jmgjobtable record of instead of hcmworker
Please help
I'm not sure if is your goal.
Open class JmgProductionFloorExecutionBreakAction
You will see that is extends JmgProductionFloorExecutionAction. Add name, etc.
Go to Production control > Setup > Manufacturing execution > Configure production floor execution and add that menu to design.
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