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Duplicated email entries on the timeline

Posted on by 40

Hi There.

I have an issue where the users are getting duplicated entries on the timeline when they send an email. I expect that the course of the problem is that they are carbon copying (CC) each other in the email.
Is there any way to let them CC each other and hide the duplicated emails on the timeline?

  • RE: Duplicated email entries on the timeline


    Did you check this system setting?  It sounds like you are tracking both sends and receives.


  • Christian K Profile Picture
    Christian K 132 on at
    RE: Duplicated email entries on the timeline


    in my case it seems a bit of everything. They had users, contacts with the same e-mail adresses and  also they were using CC and "reply all" wrong. It seems this combination caused the issues.



  • Suggested answer
    Mohamed GRAIB Profile Picture
    Mohamed GRAIB 2,498 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Duplicated email entries on the timeline

    Hi Ducky,

    I think that you must check if you have a queue that cause the duplication of your e-mail.

    Hope that's helpful for you

  • Jelte Aukes Profile Picture
    Jelte Aukes 6 on at
    RE: Duplicated email entries on the timeline

    Hi Christian K,

    Do you perhaps have any updates on the above? I face the same issue as you are describing with users in different queues, sending e-mails to each other. Should be ideal if there would be some filtering on mail ID or such.

  • Christian K Profile Picture
    Christian K 132 on at
    RE: Duplicated email entries on the timeline

    Yeah I have that as well and I suggested that to the customer but they keep insisting that it keeps happening but I cannot reproduce the case.

    Can't add a screenshot nbut I have set up the workflow according to this:

  • DuckyDev_IU Profile Picture
    DuckyDev_IU 40 on at
    RE: Duplicated email entries on the timeline

    As I recall it the problem was that the users was using CC the wrong way.
    But could you try to show me your workflow?

  • Christian K Profile Picture
    Christian K 132 on at
    RE: Duplicated email entries on the timeline

    Hi DuckyDEV,

    did you solve this? I have the same issue that I am sending Emails for a customer service group from their queue. However whenever an E-Mail gets sent from the CRM the E-Mail appears twice on the timeline but with a different timestamp. Usually a minute or so apart.

    When I open both records on the time line I see one sender is the queue but on the second email the sender is my queue but as a contact? I have not set up my queue also as a contact.

    What could be causing this issue and how did you solve this?

    thx in advance


  • DuckyDev_IU Profile Picture
    DuckyDev_IU 40 on at
    RE: Duplicated email entries on the timeline

    I might think I have solved it, I noticed they had put the admin of the system as a CC while the admin also owns the email queue.

    I will have to wait to see if that was the problem and return to you :)

    Thanks for the response though!

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,054 on at
    RE: Duplicated email entries on the timeline


    I have tried to reproduce your issue but failed.

    I sent an email to a contact and cc to the same contact. The email is shown in the Timeline but only once.


    Would you please describe it more clearly or attach some screenshots about it?

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