RE: Workflow - Approval Based on Originator
By default, there isn't a way to do this. While we can setup a workflow so that it would be routed to a manager based on the user or group that submits it, in this case a GL batch, for approval.
I'm wondering if you couldn't setup the workflow so, under 'Assign To' for the workflow step, you could choose the following:
Selection Type: Hierarchy
Start From: Workflow Originator
Assign To: Direct Manager (or skip-level manager or number of levels of manager)
Theoretically, this should look at who the originator of the GL batch is, that is submitting it for approval, then assign it to the direct manager, skip level manager or any number of manager level.
Otherwise, there isn't a way to really do it through the workflow step conditions, as we would need the Windows user or group in a specific table in Dynamics GP, which we don't have short of what Workflow puts in after it is submitted. I know customers frequently make use of the SY00500 table, but that is more the user id from Dynamics GP, and not the actual Windows user or group.