Hello Everyone,
Thanks for reading my post.
Following are the steps we're following:-
- For Portal Registration/Login (using Local Login), we're inviting our Customer using 'Create Invitation'.
- Users are receiving the invitation email.
- Users are clicking on the link and they will land on the Redeem Invitation page.
- Users are clicking on the Register button and setting their Password/New Password.
- Users are able to login perfectly.
- But, if they sign-out and try to login again with their Username/Email and Password then it always fail with 'Invalid sign-in attempt'.
- And, this is NOT happening with every User. There are handful of Users who are facing this issue.
Anyone else faced the similar issue? Any steps to troubleshoot or how to check the under the hood exception of 'Invalid sign-in attempt'?
Let me know if further information is need. Thanks.