The AR Historical Aged Trial Balance is not picking up an invoice that it should.
Customer is setup to maintain history
The invoice has:
Posting Date 11/20/2020
Invoice Date 11/20/2020
Due Date 1/19/2021
When I run the AR Historical Aged Trial Balance with the following:
Print Age as of 11/29/2020
Select Transactions for Reporting using - GL Posting Date
Exclude Fully Paid Documents, Zero Balance, No Activity, Unposted Applied Credit Memos
The invoice does not appear on the report.
I have done the following:
Reconciled Current Customer Information , Outstanding Document Amounts
Ran aging
Delete RM Keys file - ran checklinks
Created the same invoice in Sandbox company - the report in the Sandbox company does pick up the document
Ran SQL query on RM20101 for the invoice in question against the Live Company and the Sandbox company and compared the columns, everything looks the same
How do I get the invoice in the Live Company to appear on the report?