I have a new virtual entity, which I am populating data from an external source with an api call. I have a subgrid within the case form, and I have a N:N relationship created with incident and this entity. The subgrid is for the related records. Therefore, when I load the subgrid, I see the fetchXML in network trace contains a filter condition wtih linked entity to incident, and has the incident number. However, the "Query" that I see from the plugin that this virtual entity data source-triggered retrievemultiple would trigger, doesn't contain the filter condition. The Linked Entity object is empty.
fetchXml: <fetch version="1.0" mapping="logical" returntotalrecordcount="true" page="1" count="4" no-lock="false"><entity name="virtualentity"><attribute name="myorg_name"/><attribute name="myorg_title"/><attribute name="myorg_status"/><attribute name="myorg_severity"/><attribute name="myorg_owningid"/><attribute name="myorg_owningcontact"/><attribute name="myorg_modifieddate"/><attribute name="myorg_id"/><attribute name="myorg_createdate"/><attribute name="virtualentityid"/><link-entity name="myorg_virtualentity_incident" intersect="true" visible="false" to="virtualentityid" from="virtualentityid">
<link-entity name="incident" from="incidentid" to="incidentid" alias="bb">
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="incidentid" operator="eq" uitype="incident" value="de5759c2-928a-ec11-8f97-0022487af2d6"/>
But what I get within the plugin is this:
What am I missing here? Any insights will be appreciated. Thanks!