I need to write a display method for the form "BomConsistOf" which is called from the listpage form EcoResProductPerCompanyListPage . It has got two grids.
The upper one takes it values from the "BomVersion" datasource (table "BomVersion):
The lower one takes it values from the "Bom" datasource (table "Bom"):
I have to add a display method to the lower grid. Therefore I think the best place for it is "BOM" table. The method should take values from the upper-grid record. So I need to find a record in the table "BomVersion" based on the record in the table "BOM". But there is no direct relations between tables "BOM" and "BOMVersion". there is a dynalink between datasources but it's not one-to-one:
So I can't use it.
But if I know somehow the "itemid" value which comes from the form EcoResProductPerCompanyListPage I could find a record in the "BomVersion" using BomId value from the BOM table and ItemId value from EcoResProductPerCompanyListPage.
Could you please tell me where I can retrieve this value "ItemId" and would it be possible to use it in the display method of mine in "BOM" table? If no could you please point me to the right direction how can I write such a display method because there is no direct relation between records in "BOMVersion" and "BOM" tables. Thank you in advance.
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