Overnight, this error has started appearing for any of our users NOT using the new unified interface whenever they try and add product on an order.
"There was an error with this field's customized event"
Things to note:
I have not done any custom JS, all customization have been drag and drop through the form editor.
There isn't (nor has there ever been) a field called "productid" on the "order line" quick create form, or the order form.
I'm assuming this has something to do with the custom "Order line" entity view ( we have been using this view forever with no issue though) as it's the only place that has a field called "productid"
This is not stopping anyone from placing the product on the order. Once you clear the error, it appears to have had no impact on the user, and order can continue being placed.
So why is this error appearing all of a sudden? How do i get it to go away? This is having no effect on anyone that we can see other than being an annoying pop up.