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personalization email - dynamic content

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Looking to include a content as below

<p>You have purchased:</p> <ul>

<!-- {{#each contact.contact_product_productid}} -->


<!-- {{/each}} --> </ul>

Instead of my field is


How can I display the fullname of the contact id instead of GUID ?

thank you

  • Verified answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: personalization email - dynamic content

    Hi slx,

    For the issue, i would suggest you create a support ticket for professional assistance: 

    And you can click 'Yes' to mark the answer as verified if my answer is helpful.


    Thanks in advance!:)

  • slx Profile Picture
    slx 386 on at
    RE: personalization email - dynamic content

    thank you, I got the same issue, I was hoping for an workaround from more experienced user

    let me know how to mark the answer as verified

  • Verified answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: personalization email - dynamic content

    Hi slx,

    It seems that you can't extract child contacts fullname based on parent contact, error will be shown after checking content:

    You just can get parent contact's fullname based on child contact.


  • slx Profile Picture
    slx 386 on at
    RE: personalization email - dynamic content

    Thank you, this is what was found out initially (that guids are included but no lookup name) but I though there is any workaround that I could use (the personalisation feature although interesting it's not very useful due to many constraints depth 1 for relationships, no name/guid)

    Do you know if on a parental relationship as contact - parent_contactid can 'fullname' of the children be extracted ?


    contact A

    parent null

    email email@test

    contact B

    parent contact A

    no email

    contact C

    parent contact A

    no email

    segment/email created for contact A, looking to get children full names

    kind regards


  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: personalization email - dynamic content

    Hi slx,

    Unfortunately, you can't show the lookup Name directly.

    Also, you can't get name through the guid indirectly in dynamic content of marketing email:

    You can have, at most, two hops (periods) in your field expressions. 

    The system only supports two levels of the relationship but the information you want to get is the third level of a relationship(Contact > Product > other entity related to product).

  • slx Profile Picture
    slx 386 on at
    RE: personalization email - dynamic content

    Hi Leah

    Thank you for example, it is exactly the issue I am dealing with.

    Is there any way to show the lookup Name instead of the Id/Guid ?

    As per product name "Product X" instead of guid

    Thank you


  • Verified answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: personalization email - dynamic content

    Hi slx,

    For-each loops let you step through a collection of records that are related to a specific current record.

    For the example code, you provide a list of all products associated with a given contact. 

    If you want to get the contact full name, you can use the following code directly without For-each loops:


    There are no need to list contact related to these products in the For-each loops, because all contacts in the loop are same.




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