try to post sales order but i got the below message
You cannot post these lines because you have not entered a quantity on more of the lines
the sales order has only one line as below screen shots
try to post sales order but i got the below message
You cannot post these lines because you have not entered a quantity on more of the lines
the sales order has only one line as below screen shots
I faced this issue while posting warehouse receipt. I did through debug and found it
Quantity is 0 and Qty to receive is 0.0000000001 in table level so Re-enter Qty to receive is 0.0 after that document has been posted.
I'm getting this error when Adjust Cost is run; either manually or with Automatic Cost Adjustments turned on. If you have Automatic Cost Adjustments turned on, you might be able to turn it off temporarily, post your transaction, and turn it back on.
This doesn't solve the problem but it allows your transaction to get posted while the problem can be investigated.
I see that there have been numerous issues with this error message over the years and fixes have been issued by Microsoft. I wouldn't be surprised if this is caused by some bug in Adjust Cost.
there is something weird with your data. The Quantity is 30, Quantity to Ship is 30, and Quantity Shipped is 30. Normally you will not be able to do this. Is there customization in your database ?
The error message is also strange, because normally it will say that "There is nothing to post"
Do a debug and see what is wrong. If you can't do this, ask your partner to do the check.
Qty to invoice = Null
Qty shipped not invoiced = 30
Qty Invoiced =Null
But i still not able to invoice that order
when i try to edit the Qty To Invoice to be 30 , give me error that you can invoice Qty bigger than 0
So all the "Quantities" have been satisfied?
Have you "refreshed" the session? Maybe something is stuck in "cache"?
only one line
Go to the Development Client and look at table 37 Sales line. Sort by the Sales Order number and see if there's another line(s) without a value. Fix them and Post.
Good Luck
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