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Moving Marketing from to dev to production with only one Marketing license

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I have a client who only has 1 Marketing license and Marketing is currently installed in DEV. They are at the point of moving to PROD. PROD is an existing production environment with other apps installed, not just used for Marketing. My understanding is that they need to do some version of the below for this to work:

  1. Export any related unmanaged solutions
  2. Use Configuration Migration Tool to export any records needed
  3. Backup the Sandbox environment in Power Platform (not required as I understand it but recommended)
  4. Uninstall Marketing from Sandbox
  5. Install Marketing into Production
  6. Import the exported unmanaged solutions
  7. Import the exported record data using the Configuration Migration Tool

My concern is with the Portal where all the Marketing content is stored right now for their Sandbox. When they go to uninstall Marketing from Sandbox, it’s going to potentially wipe out all that data and then when they go to install into Production, will that same Portal content be preserved or will it break the connection for those records that get migrated in? I am familiar with the following articles but neither answer this specific scenario:

Manage marketing environments (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs

  • Verified answer
    RE: Moving Marketing from to dev to production with only one Marketing license

    The supported course of action is to have the right amount of paid licenses for the required environments and then to follow the steps to move data from one licensed environment to another.

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