Hello, all!
Does anyone else have issues with HTML email sends that do not have the Dynamics editor enabled? Not including the short bit of code breaks emails completely in Win 11 Outlook. This is the piece of code to which I am referring:
<meta type="xrm/designer/setting" name="type" value="marketing-designer-content-editor-document">
Including that piece of code in the HTML head does make my email display about 98% correct. It's close enough I've just been dealing with it for a couple of months. I believe our previous environment update was done in August, but the issue could be from before that. Time is nebulous post-pandemic :D.
I've finally decided it's time to figure out what's going on. Anyone have any ideas?
Hi Cnquest ,
Preview code is the final code, with all the changes added. It contains Outlook comments that provides workarounds for now issues in Outlook.
This shouldn't be copied into HTML, I was suggesting just to inspect the part of code that's not working. It usually means that width is not calculated as expected or the code is not supported by Outlook. But I can't be sure until I see the code and the issues in Outlook, so this is the best I can suggest without seeing the code.
If you copy Preview HTML, you have double processing that we do, processing on already processed code, and it could break the code.
When HTML is not valid, or if the comments are not added as expected, the email will not be visible in Outlook. This is expected Outlook behavior.
My suggestion is to create an SR so someone can look at the code and help you with your issues.
Thank you for weighing in Jelena Rajkovic !
I did also try an old version of our general email. Its an email whose layout was sent for over a year through Dynamics with no issue—and the issue is now present there as well.
Below is a flow I tried to hopefully nail down what was happening—but it really just made me more confused:
They all, of course, look perfect in gmail. So Dynamics is definitely doing something to the HTML that Outlook doesn't like...just not sure what yet! Fun, fun.
From what I can tell using compare in Notepad++, Dynamics just adds a bunch of <tbody> elements. While I typically do not code these into my HTML emails, they seem to be present in both the versions taht are working and the broken version.
The meta tag enables Email Editor designer and enables processing on your custom emails: Show the toolbox and enable drag-and-drop editing
This means that there will be some changes done on the your code, but they are mostly done on the elements, buttons, text etc.
The meta tag is removed in the final HTML sent, so that's not what's causing the issue. The issue is coming probably from the processing done on your code.
You can inspect the final code on the Preview tab and see if you can find what the issue.
Or you can share your code here or create an SR and we can help you find the cause of the issue.
Hope this helps.
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