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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Blanket Purchase Order End of Life - Invoice? Delete? Cancel?

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What is the standard method to end blank orders in accounts payable?

We have a number of blanket purchase orders listed in "Accounts payable > Places > Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders Received but Not Invoiced".

Blanket orders can only post confirmations and create release orders as far as I can tell. All registrations, packing slips, and invoices need to posted on the release orders. Because of this my suspicion was that we were just supposed to delete them once they were done. For example, I have this blanket order and the release orders have all either been received and invoiced or canceled. There is no deliver remainder and no further release orders are going to be created from this blanket order. It's clear that the blanket isn't updating to invoiced from the release orders or it would have done it already. I can't move the status myself since it doesn't allow posting any journals. At this point, the only thing I can think to do is delete it. This seems like it should be okay since we're not going to need it anymore and all of the transactional history is tied to the release orders. However, when I try to delete them I get this error message "Blanket order line has release order lines attached" (@SYS112340).

How are end users to supposed to close blanket purchase orders?

Please and thank you.

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  • VENKAT6452 Profile Picture
    VENKAT6452 287 on at
    RE: Blanket Purchase Order End of Life - Invoice? Delete? Cancel?

    Hi Frazier

    Yes. I agree with Andre.



  • Verified answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,516 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Blanket Purchase Order End of Life - Invoice? Delete? Cancel?

    Hi Frazier,

    Your analysis is correct. A blanket order will never be invoiced. That is on the actual PO. Note that the blanket orders have been depreciated as of AX2012 and replaced with Purchase agreements with richer functionality on e.g. validity. The purchase agreements are now stored in new tables, separated from the purchase order tables. So, your issue is actually solved in later versions.

    I'm currently not able to check if you did run a standard or custom report. Anyway, you need to filter out the blanket orders.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Blanket Purchase Order End of Life - Invoice? Delete? Cancel?

    Okay. I think I have found the answer, but I'd like it if someone can at least confirm it. The purchase order header's status is set from a member function: \Classes\PurchTableType.updateBackStatus(). In layman's terms, it just gets the lowest purchase order status from the purchase order lines and applies it to the purch table (header). There is no override for the method on PurchTableType_Blanket. There is an override for the purchase order line status function though [ \Classes\PurchLineType_Blanket.setPurchStatus() ]. For blanket orders, it either has something remaining to release and it's "Open order" or it has nothing left to release and it's "Received". There are no other return values there.

    So I guess that answers part of the question. A blanket order purchase line will never have a status greater than received and the header will always have the lowest purchase order status of the lines in it. At best, this will also be "Received".

    So there is no purchase order status for blanket orders after "Received".

    I suspect that the programming in other parts of the application that see these as "Received but Not Invoiced" or "Unvouchered payables" are just oversights from the original developers and that the queries used should be modified to filter out blanket orders if they aren't doing it already.


  • RE: Blanket Purchase Order End of Life - Invoice? Delete? Cancel?

    Venkat, your statement does not appear to be accurate in AX 2009. In AX 2009, both the purchase order header and the purchase order line use the same BaseEnum for their status: PurchStatus. The unmodified status only has five options: None (""), "Open order", "Received", "Invoiced", and "Canceled". There is no "Released" status for purchase orders. If you are using AX 2009 and your blanket orders have a status of "Released" then it probably means that your environment has been customized to change the way blanket orders work.

    Newly created Blanket orders have the status "Open order" upon creation. Creating a release order does not change the status. Once all of the release orders have been issued the status on the blanket order changes to "Received". Once all of the release orders have been packing slip posted and there is no deliver remainder on the blanket order the status remains received. When all of the release orders have been invoiced the blanket order status does not change and remains received.

    AX use the purchase order status as its filter when looking for purchase orders that have been shipped and not invoiced. If a blanket order has no status past "Received" then it might make more sense to customize the query behind the form "Purchase Orders Received but Not Invoiced" so that it has an additional range that filters out purchase orders of type "blanket".

  • VENKAT6452 Profile Picture
    VENKAT6452 287 on at
    RE: Blanket Purchase Order End of Life - Invoice? Delete? Cancel?

    Hi Frazier

    Blanket Purchase orders are linked to the release POs.   Like wise released POs are linked to Blanket PO.  You can see the released POs in the Blanket order as reference and wise versa.

    Once all the released POs are created  (without any delivery remainder) status of Blanket order will change to RELEASED from OPEN, which means Blanket PO is closed.

    So you there is no option to delete the Blanket POs and system will generate error.



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