I would really appreciate your assistance on a very urgent matter which should be a common problem. I have tried looking at several articles in the Dynamics Community relating to my issue however could not find the answer that works for me. Let me explain:
I have created a custom workflow type along with all the files that go along with it including the Event handlers, Workflow tasks, Menu Items, Query. All are related to the HCMRecruitingRequest table. I have ran this workflow within the VHD Dev Environment and if the user that the workflow item is assigning a task to has System Admin privileges then it works otherwise it throws this error
X++ Exception: The workflow system could not access the business document data. Report this issue to your system administrator.
However if I assign Sys Admin role it works which is fine however when I deploy this package to the Demo environment no matter what permissions the user has even SysAdmin it still throws the insufficient permissions error:
X++ Exception: The workflow system could not access the business document data. Report this issue to your system administrator
I would really appreciate if you could answer 2 questions for me:
1. Why when deployed to Demo does it not work even for System Admin role?
2. How do I find out the exact permissions required to assign a workflow task to a user without giving sysadmin role.
I am a beginner Dynamics Developer so please provide as much detail as possible.