How do I change the default phone number format in Dynamics 365 from e.g 702-409-6724 to 17024096724. Also, how do I edit existing phone numbers with the previous format to include 1 at the beginning? Please help
How do I change the default phone number format in Dynamics 365 from e.g 702-409-6724 to 17024096724. Also, how do I edit existing phone numbers with the previous format to include 1 at the beginning? Please help
Hello Pamela,
As an example, we have taken the Phone field from the Account entity.
You can change the Phone number of an entity in Dynamics CRM by following the steps below
Here we have an open Default solution. Choose the Account entity’s main form.
Follow this Blog to change the phone number fromat in dynamics 365
Hello Pamela Baba ,
Here I write the step by step process for changing the phone number formats:
Step 1: Open Solution → Select the Entity and open the Form you want to change the format of.
Step 2: It will open a pop-up in which you double-click on the field for which you want to change the format.
Step 3: In Field Properties, click on the Controls tab.
Step 4: Click on Add Control and select ‘Input Mask’ and click on Add again.
Step 5: Choose the Web, Phone, and/or Tablet in which you want to see this control.
Step 6: In the Input Mask section, click on the pencil to edit the input.
Step 7: The Configure Property “Mask” window comes up; click on the ‘Bind to a static value’ and fill in the format that you want your phone number (Here, put 1 to Display the phone number in your given Format) to appear in and click OK.
Step 8: Click OK, then Save and Publish your form.
You now have a phone number field that is formatted. Now it will show all existing phone numbers in the configured format.
This will help for your problem query. If any query accrued then tell me I will share the solution.
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Hi Pamela,
please use as reference following links. Happy coding
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