I have created a custom table in FO and a matching table in DataVerse. I have then configured dual-write for the tables going from FO to dataverse.
For the integration key in FO i have choosen Name because this should be unique.
My problem:
If i edit the Name value in FO the name is not updated in dataverse. Instead a new record with the same data is created. I guess this is because i am editing the integration key.
Is this normal behavior? What is the best practice?
Just like André said, that is expected to be the behavior.
In table design concept, it is advisable to always use and ID for your key. You would such applied most tables in FO such as VendTable, PurchTable, HcmWorker.
You should consider changing your integration key field.
This is expected behavior. The key is used to find the record in both applications. If you change the name, it will try to find a record with the same name. It will not find it and will create a new record. I would suggest using an identification field as the key that is not expected to be changed.
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