What is the difference between enabling Require Receive on a Location vs Warehouse Setup?
Also why is it that when Require Receive is enabled (in my case i set it up on both the location and Warehouse Setup because i didn't understand the difference), I can perform either a Warehouse Receipt against my PO, or the basic receipt (by enabling the Qty. to Receive column and assigning a value)? When performing the basic receipt, i get a message that Warehouse Receipt is required, but i can still post a Receive and a basic Receipt will be generated. After which point, Warehouse Receipt is no longer possible.
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If you have a support arrangement with MS feel free to report it.
We do not and therefore cannot report it.
Has this been reported to MS as a bug? I am running on 2017 CU11 and the issue is still there - on receipts and shipments.
Warehouse : Specifies whether you require users to use the receive activity.
Location : Specifies whether you require the location to use the Receive function on the Warehouse Management menu.
Yes. In 2016 if you try to enter a qty to receive on a purchase order line which has a location with "require receive" checked it will produce an error that "warehouse receive is required from line no. = ####". I have compared the code and the reason is that in 2017 it now passes the same record instance (TempPurchLine) to both functions CheckinTrackingSpecification and CheckWarehouse; when TempPurchLine gets to CheckWarehouse function there is a filter left on for quantity received <> 0 which means only already received lines will get checked; that seems pretty wrong to me!
LOCAL CheckTrackingAndWarehouseForReceive(PurchHeader : Record "Purchase Header") Receive : Boolean
IF PurchHeader."Document Type" = PurchHeader."Document Type"::Order THEN
SETFILTER("Qty. to Receive",'<>0');
SETRANGE("Receipt No.",'');
Receive := FINDFIRST;
WhseReceive := TempWhseRcptHeader.FINDFIRST;
WhseShip := TempWhseShptHeader.FINDFIRST;
CheckTrackingSpecification(PurchHeader,TempPurchLine); //filter on quantity received is left on TempPurchLine after this function executed
IF NOT (WhseReceive OR WhseShip OR InvtPickPutaway) THEN
Are you saying that in 2016, when Require Receive is enabled, you could only receive from Warehouse Receipt and no longer receive direct on the PO?
I think this is a bug.... in 2016 it didn't happen.... it looks to me like this is because in CU90 we are setting filter on qty. received in CheckTrackingSpecification before calling checkwarehouse - in 2016 a different record instance was filtered on in CheckTrackingSpecification.
I had already found that article via google prior to posting to the community. Unfortunately, it doesn't address my issue. I believe in NAV that enabling require receive means that you enable Workflow Receipts, but it doesn't disable basic receipting from within the Purchase Order. You cannot force your users to always do a Warehouse Receipt even when Require Receive is enable. If that is so, why is the word 'require' used. Require means something that must always be done. In this case, that is not so. When Require Receive is enabled, you can either receive via Purchase Order, OR via Warehouse Receipt.
Please check this article
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