Using Omnichannel voice as the phone provisor.
So currently, when ever an agent misses a voice call that is a call to their direct agent number, the voicemail picks up. This is expected behavior. The problem is, the voicemail picks up and says "The number you have dialed is not available, please leave a message" which is... not a good message. My questions are this:
1. Can we change that to say something else in the case of all agents? It seems in the case of GROUP voicemail, you can configure the automated actions on the workstream you push it to which is great, but in the case of individual voicemail, there is no such work stream (it works using an inbound profile instead of a workstream) so I don't seem to have the ability to configure it there.
2. Bonus points, can we configure the prompt on a per agent basis? Would love to be able to get "Thanks, you've reached Sandy, I'm busy with another call but please leave a message"