We've updated our Dynamics GP Dexterity customization. When launching GP we are getting the error message:
The FMT_PM_Create_Paid_Trx_HIST_Record_After triggers is not registered. 2
The started procedure code is:
l_result = Trigger_RegisterProcedure(script PM_Create_Paid_Trx_HIST_Record, TRIGGER_AFTER_ORIGINAL, script FMT_PM_Create_Paid_Trx_HIST_Record_After);
if l_result <> SY_NOERR then
warning "The FMT_PM_Create_Paid_Trx_HIST_Record_After trigger is not registered.";
end if;
I need to check that the parameters are correct and need the procedure paramters for PM_Create_Paid_Trx_HIST_Record. I tried using GP Power Toos but the resource info comes up blank.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
inout file PM_Paid_Transaction_HIST;
inout file PM_Key_MSTR;
inout PMShadowTables IO_PMShadowTables;
inout DBTransactionData IO_DBTransactionData;
in string IN_Voucher_Number;
in string IN_Vendor_ID;
in integer IN_Document_Type;
in date IN_Document_Date;
in string IN_Document_Number;
in string IN_Batch_Number;
in date IN_Discount_Date;
in date IN_Due_Date;
in string IN_PO_Number;
in string IN_Tax_Schedule_ID;
in string IN_Purchase_Schedule_ID;
in string IN_Freight_Schedule_ID;
in string IN_Misc_Schedule_ID;
in string IN_Shipping_Method;
in string IN_Payment_Terms_ID;
in string IN_Currency_ID;
in dollar IN_Dollar_Parms[TRX_AMT_NUM];
in string IN_Trx_Description;
in string IN_Checkbook_ID;
in string IN_Batch_Source;
in string IN_TRX_Source;
in 'Note Index' IN_Note_Index;
in 'PPS Tax Rate' IN_PPS_Tax_Rate;
in 'Percent Of Gross Amount Subject'IN_PPS_Percent_Subject;
in integer IN_Payment_Entry_Type;
in string IN_Card_Name;
in date IN_GL_Posting_Date;
in date IN_Date_Inv_Paid_Off;
in integer IN_MC_Update_Status;
in boolean fICTrx;
in date IN_Tax_Date;
in 'Apply Withholding' IN_fApplyWithholding;
in boolean I_fEcTrx;
in 'Tax Invoice Required' I_fTaxInvReqd;
in string sCheckName;
in Electronic I_fElectronic;
in 'Vendor Address Code - Remit To'isVendorAddressRemitToID;
in '1099 Type' ten99Type;
in '1099 Box Number' ten99BoxNumber;
optional in 'PO Number' sPONumber="";
release table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA;
clear table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA;
'Intercompany ID' of table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA = 'Intercompany ID' of globals;
Origin of table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA = 1; {PM}
'Document Type' of table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA = IN_Document_Type;
'Document Number' of table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA = IN_Voucher_Number;
'Record Number' of table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA = 0;
change table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA by number 1;
if err() = OKAY then
FMT_Processed of table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA = true;
'Posted Date' of table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA = sysdate();
save table FMT_Expense_GP_BMA;
end if