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How do I determine which database I'm using - Navision 2018

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Posted on by 662

HI all,

I'm in a fix. I have several database in my server. While I know which one is live, I'm not sure which of the test databases are meant for testing, and which one is for back ups.

May  I ask how do I determine this?


Thank you.

  • joshlabtech Profile Picture
    joshlabtech 662 on at
    RE: How do I determine which database I'm using - Navision 2018

    Thank you!!

  • Verified answer
    Suresh Kulla Profile Picture
    Suresh Kulla 43,749 on at
    RE: How do I determine which database I'm using - Navision 2018

    You can check in NAV Administration Tool, what server instances are running and when you select them you can check under database the database names.

  • joshlabtech Profile Picture
    joshlabtech 662 on at
    RE: How do I determine which database I'm using - Navision 2018

    Hi Steve,

    It was done by my predecessor, without leaving any documentation.

    There is no such things as right click properties, to see when was db created and modified?

    Thank you.

  • joshlabtech Profile Picture
    joshlabtech 662 on at
    RE: How do I determine which database I'm using - Navision 2018

    Hi Suresh,

    May  I know how and where can I view this "what NAV service tiers are running and which database they are using it."

    Thank you.

  • Suggested answer
    Suresh Kulla Profile Picture
    Suresh Kulla 43,749 on at
    RE: How do I determine which database I'm using - Navision 2018


    There is no indication to tell which one is active or not, that is something who creates or maintains database needs to handle. One thing you could check is what NAV service tiers are running and which database they are using it.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How do I determine which database I'm using - Navision 2018


    This is a pickle. I too have many databases setup but I keep the names different and include a Date to define which is newer. Did you create these or did a Partner? If your Partner you might ask them which was the latest backup that you can test in with up-to-date data. If you cannot determine and logging into each does not tell you my next question is was your Test database different from PROD, meaning was there objects that you are about to test in TEST vs. PROD. If not, you might consider taking a backup of PROD and starting over with a new TEST database and naming it as such.

    In the pic you provided the ones called NAVAUTEST.. I would examine just to see how recent the data is.

    Hope this helps.



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