A question for Terry Heley: Regarding your 11/18/19 blog "New 2020 Payroll W-4 How does it work in Microsoft Dynamics GP", you note that the Employee Tax Maintenance Screen now notes the number of exemptions that should be entered based on the new Tax Filing Status. In 2022 another customer confirmed with you that this workaround was still in place.
Our Payroll Tax Setup for the Tax Code "FED"shows two calculations performed 1) Subtract Personal Exemption and 2) Appy Tax Table.
Our Payroll Tax Filing Status for Married (pre 2020) has an Personal Exemption amount of $4,300. This amount is multiplied by the Number of Exemptions noted on the employee card and acquired from the Pre 2020 W/4.. This is subtracted from the taxable earnings and the tax table is applied to calculate tax.
The Payroll Tax Filing Status for Married Higher WH (post 2020) has a Personal Exemption amount of $0. This amount is multiplied by the Number of Exemptions noted on the employee card and acquired from the instructions on the Employee Tax Maintenance Screen. This is supposed to be subtracted from the taxable earnings but since it always will be zero doesn't have any impact on taxable earnings. My question is why do we need to enter exemptions as per the instructions on the Employee Tax Maintenance Screen, when the calculation for that will always equal zero?