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Microsoft Dynamics SL forum

Attempting to locate the table in SQL Server associated with a customized screen.

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In Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018,  I have a user who's Transaction Detail button doesn't show while working within the Inventory Status Inquiry screen. I've ensured the user is member of all appropriate groups to access the Transaction Detail button,  however the button still does not show for the user.
In Microsoft Dynamics SL 2018,  I initiate Customization Mode to access the VBA editor,  so that I am able to view the code and determine why the Transaction Detail button doesn't show for the user while working within the Inventory Status Inquiry screen.
I see the following code:
                                         Private Sub Form1_Load()

                                         On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
                                         Dim sCurUser As String
                                         Dim sDBSys  As String
                                         Dim sSql    As String
                                        ' If the user is in an approved group, then we will enable the buttons
                                          bShowBtns = True
                                          Call GetBufferValue("bpes.UserId", sCurUser)
                                          Call GetBufferValue("bpes.DBNameSystem", sDBSys)
                                         ' Exclude certain users from the test
                                           If Trim(sCurUser) <> "SYSADMIN" Then
                                           bShowBtns = False
                                           sSql = "SELECT * FROM UserGrp where UserId like " & SParm(Trim(sCurUser))
                                           Call SqlCursor(CSR_UserGrp, NOLEVEL + SqlSystemDb)
                                           serr1 = SqlFetch1(CSR_UserGrp, sSql, bUserGrp, LenB(bUserGrp))
                                           Do While serr1 = RECORDFOUND
                                                  If Trim(bUserGrp.GroupId) = "GN-LEVEL1" Then bShowBtns = True
                                                  If Trim(bUserGrp.GroupId) = "GN-LEVEL2" Then bShowBtns = True
                                                  If Trim(bUserGrp.GroupId) = "IN-CLERK" Then bShowBtns = True
                                                  If Trim(bUserGrp.GroupId) = "PM-IN-10220SB" Then bShowBtns = True
                                                  serr1 = SFetch1(CSR_UserGrp, bUserGrp, LenB(bUserGrp))
                                             Call SqlFree(CSR_UserGrp)
                                         End If
I cannot,  for the life of me,  locate the bpes table in SQL,  that is associated with the UserID field;  the same for the sCurUser field  (Call GetBufferValue("bpes.UserId", sCurUser).
Can I please receive guidance on this issue.
  • Verified answer
    MARC_ Profile Picture
    MARC_ 616 on at
    Attempting to locate the table in SQL Server associated with a customized screen.
    That is not a table.  It's just taking the currently logged in SL user ID (bpes.UserId) and assigning to the variable sCurUser.  Then that variable sCurUser is used to check if the user is in the proper user group to see the buttons; Based on the code, they need to be either SYSADMIN or be in 1 of the 4 groups (GN-LEVEL1, GN-LEVEL2, IN-CLERK, PM-IN-10220SB) 
    If the user does not see the buttons, check Administration - Security - User Maintenance or Group Maintenance (they both allow you to check) - you would need to add the user to 1 of those groups that best fits their role.  Please note, they will inherit all rights assigned to that group that you add them.  

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